Thursday, May 3, 2012

Confused with Google's approach - Need solution to the issue

Have been maintaining this blog from 2006-2007 on-wards. Recently received a mail saying I need to claim my blogs so that they are not frozen. When I tried to do it as per the process explained, kept on getting error message.
Posted a query in the forum and received following response.
Little funny that Google does not have a solution to reported issue, but want to implement new maintenance rules.

Sorry Google, hope you are hearing and understand that this is an extremely bad idea.

Attached below is communication chain.


I recieved a reminder mail saying I need to claim my blogs. Tried doing so but keep getting an error "user account not found".
Though when I directly log on, I can access account and make posts too.
Pls check and help.


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8:28 AM (1 hour ago)
to blogger
I just went through this very thing, several iterations in fact. Blogger maintains that my username is one of my GMail accounts, but trying to log in to the Legacy Migration page with this username returns the same error as above: "user account not found."

I assume this is because I started with Blogger long before Google bought them, and there is something in a data table somewhere that's not linked correctly.

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Meeta Prakash
9:33 AM (2 minutes ago)
to Blogger
But then how do you suggest to handle our blogs with your new rules ?
You definitely cant make mine unaccessible and I cant take my data anywhere. It is not so easily downloadable :(

Pls suggest a solution.


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