Wednesday, January 23, 2008

starting 2008

Hmmmmm.......... someone dropped a note today to ask when am I writing further ........ I never knew someone other than myself and couple of close friends read my page ....... :)

Anyways ........long due writings .......... intend to write something on 'nuances of project management' soon.


Pradeep Soundararajan said...

I never knew someone other than myself and couple of close friends read my page ....... :)

One way to clear that doubt is to write more.

Meeta Prakash said...

Zaroor !! :)

Will have to ensure that now !

nagendragp said...

Oh great to see Pradeep's comment here as he states you need to write more is a good idea to ensure more people visit your blog.
Definitely the newbees like me will get great exposure towards testing from you master minds.
Keep writing I'll definitely read it for sure :)

Meeta Prakash said...

Thanks Nagendra .....I guess have started in a small way :)......definitely not the way Pradeep and many others would recommend .........